This is not a joke, they do sell for $600.00 and
They won’t be able to make them fast enough.
Here's a one seat car that will get you back
And forth to work on the cheap...
This $600 Volkswagen's car gets 258 mpg,
109.687 km/l or 0.9 litre per 100 km!!!
This $600 car is not a toy; it will be ready for
Release in China next year.
The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen)
Volkswagen did a lot of very highly protected
Testing of this car in Germany; it was not announced
Until now where the car would make its first appearance.
The car was introduced at the VW stockholders
Meeting as the most economical car in the world !
The initial objective of the prototype was to prove that
1 litre of fuel could deliver 100 kilometres of travel.
Its Spartan interior does not sacrifice safety; the impact
And roll-over protection is comparable to a GT racing car.
The aero design proved essential to getting the desired
The body is 3.47 meters long and just 1.25 meters wide,
And a little over a meter high. The prototype was made
Completely of carbon fibre and is not painted to save
The power plant is a one cylinder diesel, positioned
Ahead of the rear axle and combined with an automatic
Shift controlled by a knob in the interior.
The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year:
Better than Electric Car – 258 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai
This is a single-seat car
From conception to production: 3 years and the company is
Head-quartered in Hamburg, Germany.
Will be selling for 4000 Yuan, equivalent to US $600..
Gas tank capacity = 1.7 gallons (6.4 Litres)
Speed = 62 – 74.6 Miles/hour (100 - 120 km per hour)
Fuel efficiency = 258 miles/gallon (0.9L per 100 km)
Travel distance with a full tank = 404 miles (650